Western civilization

Western Civilization, also known as “The West”, “Western Culture”, “Western Society”, is the Social Norms, Ethical Values (Humanism), Customs, Culture, Traditions, Political Systems, Law, Artifacts, Sciences, and Technologies that have originated and/or are associated with Europe stemming from the societal foundations of Ancient Greece, Rome, & Judea. Western Civilization is not limited to Europe, as it also includes The Americas & Australasia. Elements of Western Philosophy can be found beyond the West. The West originates from Ancient Greece where the arts, sciences, and societies flourished with the birth of Liberty, Freedom, & Democracy. Western Civilization continued to grow and develop throughout Ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire, gaining strong and significant influences & philosophy from Judaea-Christianity, and later flourished again during The Age of Enlightenment— leading to rapid advancement of education, sciences, & freedoms. During the early modern era of the 1900’s, Western Civilization was nearly destroyed by & overcame the oppressive rise of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism in WW2 . The West enjoys the highest degree of broad Freedoms, Liberties, Human Rights, Wealth, Peace, Free Markets, Quality of Life, Healthcare, Education, Sciences, & Technologies in the world. Today, Western Civilization & Western Philosophies thrive & develop around the world & The West itself, & many other countries as well such as India (World’s largest democracy).
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Western civilization. Some of the top words include: \X/357, twangbang, west, overonologist, wumbo, and 25 more.